Across many sectors in SSA, women remain concentrated in low-paid (or unpaid) roles with few opportunities for diversification, expansion or advancement.
Interventions that do not target women often have fewer or less equitable benefits, due to the structural, normative and individual barriers that women face.
Gender-inclusive economic development interventions can contribute to women’s economic empowerment while fostering their autonomy, social connections, and decision-making capacities.
Gender-inclusive interventions can also lead to greater and more inclusive economic growth for the broader economy.
Euromonitor International’s Global Project Manager, Dr. Bolutife Onaneye, describes the origin, rationale, methodology, and potential next steps for the multi-donor “Pathways to Gender-Inclusive Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Sectoral Analysis” gender study.
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This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the Mastercard Foundation, UN Women, International Development Research Centre, UN Economic Commission for Africa (UN ECA), Euromonitor International, U.S. Overseas Cooperative Development Council (OCDC), the United States Agency for International Development, or the United States Government.