Ethiopia Ethiopia’s National Development Plan (2021-30) recognises women’s equal participation as important for achieving prosperity, and the 13-year Industrial Strategic Plan (2013-2025) seeks to bring more women into medium and high-skilled jobs. Integrated policy/advocacy and programming efforts would help address the concentration of women in lower paid jobs.

Key findings











iconsE.comWEESSA-v0.2_policy (1).svgPolicy

Advocate for the Ethiopian government to ratify the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (No. 190).



Engage women meaningfully in the design of financial services and products (including mobile money products), to ensure accessibility for all women including rural women, youth, physically challenged women.

iconsE.comWEESSA-v0.2_program (1).svgResearch 

Commission studies to assess the effectiveness of government interventions on women’s economic opportunities/outcomes e.g. Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation and Industrial Strategic Plan (2013-2015).

Sectors Covered

The Ethiopia country report covers the Agriculture (Coffee, Livestock, Cut Flowers), Manufacturing (Food Processing, Textiles and Garments), and Construction sectors, including sector-specific key findings and proposed policy and programmatic recommendations.






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This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the Mastercard Foundation, UN Women, International Development Research Centre, UN Economic Commission for Africa (UN ECA), Euromonitor International, U.S. Overseas Cooperative Development Council (OCDC), the United States Agency for International Development, or the United States Government.
