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Elisa is a Consultant at Euromonitor International with a focus on food and nutrition in China. She is based in the company's Shanghai office.
Elisa specialises in dairy and alternatives, cooking ingredients, and meals, with a particular focus on plant-based alternatives and sustainability. Her research scope also covers snacks, fresh food and health and wellness packaged food. With a background in urban development and agriculture, Elisa shares unique insights on the social and environmental aspects of food. Prior to joining Euromonitor, Elisa had more than eight years of experience in both the private and non-profit sectors, working on communications and corporate sustainability projects.
Business Breakfast events are designed for industry professionals to participate in engaging insights-driven panel sessions delivered by industry partners, and to take advantage of the networking opportunity – all in under an hour across various cities!
亚洲的植物性饮食历史悠久,许多国家都有食用豆制品(比如豆奶和豆腐)的传统。近年来,来自西方文化的“植物基”饮食概念兴起,为亚洲市场带来了新的动力,丰富的产品创新使越来越多的消费者了解并尝试了植物基食品。然而在西方国家,消费者购买植物基产品的重要驱动力来自于可持续发展诉求,但在亚洲这仍然是一个相对较弱的驱动因素。亚洲消费者对于植物基食品的营养、口感和价格的看法成为目前行业增长的主要挑战。 本文将聚焦中国和东南亚两个市场,解析植物基食品在亚洲市场的发展和未来机遇。
Plant-based food demand in Asia is rooted in a long history of plant-based eating, including traditional foods such as soy drinks and tofu. The rise of Western-style plant-based diets in recent years has brought new dynamics to the Asian market where exciting innovations drive awareness and trial in both foodservice and retail. Meanwhile, local players are actively giving local twists to products, leading to increasing product availability.