Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey 2021: Key Insights

May 2021

Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey 2021: Key Insights report offers valuable insights into global consumer attitudes and current thinking, and their impact on purchasing and consumption habits; quantifying behaviours, preferences and motivations and aligning them with broader trends.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key Findings

Consumers spending cautiously

Job losses, reduced income and economic uncertainty is resulting in more cautious consumer spending where value for money and personal values are key decision factors. 

Social activism gains momentum

Consumers are embracing social responsibility, demanding companies and brands do the same, helping make the world fairer, healthier and more resilient. 

Emotional wellbeing front of mind

Increased pressure on consumers’ mental wellness is driving demand for more products and services that support mental wellbeing and emotional balance.

Online living becomes more established

The shift to online living has been rapidly accelerated by COVID-19 and many new virtual habits have become the norm.

Home-centric lifestyles evolve

Consumers are spending more time at home and adopting new routines, occasions and daily habits that businesses must adapt to.

Background on the Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey
2021 five key insights
Consumers spending cautiously
More considered spending across generations and income groups
While price is important, aligning to personal values is also key
Low-cost retailer invests to capture growing audience: Aldi
Social activism gains momentum
Global consumers position themselves with virtuous brands and deeds
Social issues are gaining attention as a result of the pandemic
Purpose-led collaboration creates a new local brew: Nuestra Siembra
Escaping from unwanted pressures is key to consumers’ wellbeing
Physical health and emotional wellbeing go hand in hand
Global consumers seek support and clarity for their mental health
Core: Hands-on meditation guidance
Pandemic redefines and ingrains consumers’ online connections
Consumers shift to more blended online and offline ways of living…
…including a permanent shift to digital shopping
Squadded Shopping recreates group shopping experiences online
Ho me-centric lifestyles evolve
Leisure activities move into the home…
…and food preparation and consumptions habits shift
Wow Bao launches national ghost kitchen programme
Lifestyles Survey offers insight into consumer habits and attitudes
Overview of Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey
Unique features
Data visualised through state-of-the-art dashboards
Information about Euromonitor’s syndicated survey methods
Lifestyles Survey: FAQs


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